Cost Efficiency @ Scale in Big Data File FormatJanuary 25, 2022 byXinli Shang,Kai Jiang,Zheng ShaoandMohammad Islamblogcost efficiencycompressionanalytics at scaleuber
Hudi powering data lake efforts at Walmart and Disney+ HotstarJanuary 20, 2022 bySean Michael Kerneruse-casetechtarget
Why and How I Integrated Airbyte and Apache HudiJanuary 18, 2022 byHarsha Teja Kannahow-todeltastreamerselectfrom
Change Data Capture with Debezium and Apache HudiJanuary 14, 2022 byRajesh Mahindradesigndeltastreamercdcchange data captureapache hudi
The Art of Building Open Data Lakes with Apache Hudi, Kafka, Hive, and DebeziumDecember 31, 2021 byGary Staffordhow-todatalakemedium
Hudi Z-Order and Hilbert Space Filling CurvesDecember 29, 2021 byAlexey Kudinkin and Tao Mengdesignclusteringdata skippingapache hudi
New features from Apache Hudi 0.7.0 and 0.8.0 available on Amazon EMRDecember 20, 2021 byUdit MehrotraandGagan Brahmiblogamazon
Lakehouse Concurrency Control: Are we too optimistic?December 16, 2021 byvinothblogconcurrency-controlapache hudi
How GE Aviation built cloud-native data pipelines at enterprise scale using the AWS platformNovember 16, 2021 byAlcuin WeidusandSuresh Patnamuse-caseanalytics at scaleamazon