Create a low-latency source-to-data lake pipeline using Amazon MSK Connect, Apache Flink, and Apache HudiMarch 1, 2022 byAli Alemihow-tostreaming ingestionapache flinkapache kafkaamazon
Understanding its core concepts from hudi persistence filesFebruary 20, 2022 byQbertsBrotherblogstorage specprogrammer
Fresher Data Lake on AWS S3February 17, 2022 byBalaji Varadarajanuse-caseincremental processingrobinhood
Open Source Data Lake Table Formats: Evaluating Current Interest and Rate of AdoptionFebruary 12, 2022 byGary Staffordblogdatalakecomparisoncommunitymedium
Onehouse brings a fully-managed lakehouse to Apache HudiFebruary 3, 2022 byPaul Sawersbloglakehouseventurebeat
Cost Efficiency @ Scale in Big Data File FormatJanuary 25, 2022 byXinli Shang,Kai Jiang,Zheng ShaoandMohammad Islamblogcost efficiencycompressionanalytics at scaleuber
Hudi powering data lake efforts at Walmart and Disney+ HotstarJanuary 20, 2022 bySean Michael Kerneruse-casetechtarget
Why and How I Integrated Airbyte and Apache HudiJanuary 18, 2022 byHarsha Teja Kannahow-todeltastreamerselectfrom
Change Data Capture with Debezium and Apache HudiJanuary 14, 2022 byRajesh Mahindradesigndeltastreamercdcchange data captureapache hudi