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Hudi community strives to deliver major releases every 3 months, while offering minor releases every 1-2 months! This page captures the forward-looking roadmap of ongoing & upcoming projects and when they are expected to land, broken down by areas on our stack.

Recent Releases

1.0.0 (Dec 2024)

0.15.0 (June 2024)

Future Releases

1.0.1Jan 2025
1.1.0Mar 2025
1.2.0May 2025
1.3.0July 2025
2.0.0Dec 2025

Storage Engine

FeatureTarget ReleaseTracking
1.x Storage format1.0.0HUDI-6242
Writer performance improvements1.0.0HUDI-3249
Non-blocking concurrency control1.0.0HUDI-3187, HUDI-1042, RFC-66
Secondary indexes to improve query performance1.0.0RFC-52, HUDI-3907
Index Function for Optimizing Query Performance1.0.0RFC-63, HUDI-512
Logical partitioning via indexing1.0.0HUDI-512
Storage partition stats index1.0.0HUDI-7144
Non-blocking updates during clustering1.1.0HUDI-1045
Track schema in metadata table1.1.0HUDI-6778
Streaming CDC/Incremental read improvement1.1.0HUDI-2749
Supervised table service planning and execution1.1.0RFC-43, HUDI-4147
Enable partial updates for CDC workload payload1.1.0HUDI-7229
Vector search indexes1.1.0
General purpose support for multi-table transactions1.2.0
Time Travel updates, deletes1.3.0
Unstructured data storage and management1.3.0

Programming APIs

FeatureTarget ReleaseTracking
APIs/Abstractions, Record mergers1.0.0HUDI-6243, HUDI-3217
New Hudi Table Format APIs for Query Integrations1.1.0RFC-64, HUDI-4141
Snapshot view management1.2.0RFC-61, HUDI-4677
Support of verification with multiple event_time fields1.2.0RFC-59, HUDI-4569

Query Engine Integration

FeatureTarget ReleaseTracking
Presto/Trino queries with new format1.1.0HUDI-3210, HUDI-4394, HUDI-4552
Table Valued Function to query Hudi timeline1.0.0HUDI-7243
Default Java 17 support1.1.0HUDI-6506
Spark 4 Support1.1.0HUDI-7915
Spark datasource V2 read1.1.0HUDI-4449
Replace Dataframe write path for Spark1.1.0HUDI-4857

Platform Components

FeatureTarget ReleaseTracking
Support for reliable, event based ingestion from cloud stores - GCS, Azure and the others1.0.0HUDI-1896
Hudi Reverse streamer1.2.0RFC-70
Diagnostic Reporter1.2.0RFC-62
Mutable, Transactional caching for Hudi Tables (could be accelerated based on community feedback)2.0.0Strawman design, HUDI-6489
Hudi Metaserver (could be accelerated based on community feedback)2.0.0