Data Lakehouse Architecture for Big Data with Apache HudiAugust 5, 2023 byTauno Treierblogapache hudidata lakehousebig datagoogle scholar
Apache Hudi on AWS Glue: A Step-by-Step GuideAugust 3, 2023 byDev Jainhow-toaws-glueapache-hudimedium
Skip rocks and files: Turbocharge Trino queries with Hudi’s multi-modal indexing subsystemJuly 7, 2023 byNadine Farah,Sagar SumitandCole Bowdenblogconferencetrinoapache hudimulti modal indexingqueries
Hudi Best Practices: Handling Failed Inserts/Upserts with Error TablesJuly 2, 2023 bySoumil Shahbloglinkedinapache hudiinsertsupserts
What about Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg, and Delta Lake?June 30, 2023 byMartin Jurado Pedrozablogvector searchcomparisonapache hudidelta lakeicebergmedium
An Introduction to the Hudi and Flink IntegrationMay 2, 2023 byDanny Chanblogapache hudiapache flinkonehouse
Delta, Hudi, and Iceberg: The Data Lakehouse TrifectaApril 26, 2023 byAndrey Gusarovlakehousedelta lakeapache hudiapache icebergcomparisondzone
Setting Uber’s Transactional Data Lake in Motion with Incremental ETL Using Apache HudiMarch 16, 2023 byVinoth Govindarajan,Saketh Chintapalli,Yogesh SaswadeandAayush Barejaincremental processingdatalakeapache hudimedallion architectureuber
Build Your First Hudi Lakehouse with AWS S3 and AWS GlueDecember 19, 2022 byNadine Farahhow-touse-caseapache hudiaws s3aws glue
Run Apache Hudi at scale on AWSDecember 1, 2022 byImtiaz Sayed,,Shana Schipers,Dylan Qu,Carlos Rodrigues,Arun A KandFrancisco Morilloawsguideapache hudi
Build Open Lakehouse using Apache Hudi & dbtJuly 11, 2022 byVinoth Govindarajanhow-todeltastreamerincremental processingapache hudi