Part1: Query apache hudi dataset in an amazon S3 data lake with amazon athena : Read optimized queriesJuly 16, 2021 byDhiraj Thakur,Sameer GoelandImtiaz Sayedhow-toread optimized queryamazon
Employing correct configurations for Hudi's cleaner table serviceJune 10, 2021 bypratyakshsharmahow-tocleanerapache hudi
Build Slowly Changing Dimensions Type 2 (SCD2) with Apache Spark and Apache Hudi on Amazon EMRApril 12, 2021 byDavid Greenshteinhow-toscd2amazon
Build a data lake using amazon kinesis data stream for amazon dynamodb and apache hudiMarch 4, 2021 byDhiraj Thakur,Dylan QuandSaurabh Shrivastavahow-tostreaming ingestionamazon
Streaming Responsibly - How Apache Hudi maintains optimum sized filesMarch 1, 2021 byshivnarayandesignfile sizingapache hudi
Data Lakehouse: Building the Next Generation of Data Lakes using Apache HudiMarch 1, 2021 byRyan D'SouzaandBrandon Stanleyblogdata-lakehousemedium
Time travel operations in Hopsworks Feature StoreFebruary 24, 2021use-caseincremental processingfeature storetime travel queryhopsworks