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Release 0.13.0

Release 0.13.0 (docs)

Apache Hudi 0.13.0 release introduces a number of new features including Metaserver, Change Data Capture, new Record Merge API, new sources for Deltastreamer and more. While there is no table version upgrade required for this release, users are expected to take actions by following the Migration Guide down below on relevant breaking changes and behavior changes before using 0.13.0 release.

Migration Guide: Overview

This release keeps the same table version (5) as 0.12.0 release, and there is no need for a table version upgrade if you are upgrading from 0.12.0. There are a few breaking changes and behavior changes as described below, and users are expected to take action accordingly before using 0.13.0 release.


If migrating from an older release (pre 0.12.0), please also check the upgrade instructions from each older release in sequence.

Migration Guide: Breaking Changes

Bundle Updates

Spark bundle Support

From now on, hudi-spark3.2-bundle works with Apache Spark 3.2.1 and newer versions for Spark 3.2.x. The support for Spark 3.2.0 with hudi-spark3.2-bundle is dropped because of the Spark implementation change of getHive method of HiveClientImpl which is incompatible between Spark version 3.2.0 and 3.2.1.

Utilities Bundle Change

The AWS and GCP bundle jars are separated from hudi-utilities-bundle. The user would need to use hudi-aws-bundle or hudi-gcp-bundle along with hudi-utilities-bundle while using the cloud services.

Hudi is now supported on Flink 1.16.x with the new hudi-flink1.16-bundle.

Lazy File Index in Spark

Hudi's File Index in Spark is switched to be listed lazily by default: this entails that it would only be listing partitions that are requested by the query (i.e., after partition-pruning) as opposed to always listing the whole table before this release. This is expected to bring considerable performance improvement for large tables.

A new configuration property is added if the user wants to change the listing behavior: (now default to lazy). There are two possible values that you can set:

  • eager: This lists all partition paths and corresponding file slices within them eagerly, during initialization. This is the default behavior prior 0.13.0.

    • If a Hudi table has 1000 partitions, the eager mode lists the files under all of them when constructing the file index.
  • lazy: The partitions and file-slices within them will be listed lazily, allowing partition pruning predicates to be pushed down appropriately, therefore only listing partitions after these have already been pruned.

    • The files are not listed under the partitions when the File Index is initialized. The files are listed only under targeted partition(s) after partition pruning using predicates (e.g., datestr=2023-02-19) in queries.

To preserve the behavior pre 0.13.0, the user needs to set

Breaking Change

The breaking change occurs only in cases when the table has BOTH: multiple partition columns AND partition values contain slashes that are not URL-encoded.

For example let's assume we want to parse two partition columns - month (2022/01) and day (03), from the partition path 2022/01/03. Since there is a mismatch between the number of partition columns (2 here - month and day) and the number of components in the partition path delimited by / (3 in this case - month, year and day) it causes ambiguity. In such cases, it is not possible to recover the partition value corresponding to each partition column.

There are two ways to avoid the breaking changes:

  • The first option is to change how partition values are constructed. A user can switch the partition value of column month to avoid slashes in any partition column values, such as 202201, then there is no problem parsing the partition path (202201/03).

  • The second option is to switch the listing mode to eager. The File Index would "gracefully regress" to assume the table is non-partitioned and just sacrifice partition-pruning, but would be able to process the query as if the table was non-partitioned (therefore potentially incurring performance penalty), instead of failing the queries.

Checkpoint Management in Spark Structured Streaming

If you are using Spark streaming to ingest into Hudi, Hudi self-manages the checkpoint internally. We are now adding support for multiple writers, each ingesting into the same Hudi table via streaming ingest. In older versions of hudi, you can't have multiple streaming ingestion writers ingesting into the same hudi table (one streaming ingestion writer with a concurrent Spark datasource writer works with lock provider; however, two Spark streaming ingestion writers are not supported). With 0.13.0, we are adding support where multiple streaming ingestions can be done to the same table. In case of a single streaming ingestion, users don't have to do anything; the old pipeline will work without needing any additional changes. But, if you are having multiple streaming writers to same Hudi table, each table has to set a unique value for the config, hoodie.datasource.write.streaming.checkpoint.identifier. Also, users are expected to set the usual multi-writer configs. More details can be found here.

ORC Support in Spark

The ORC support for Spark 2.x is removed in this release, as the dependency of orc-core:nohive in Hudi is now replaced by orc-core, to be compatible with Spark 3. ORC support is now available for Spark 3.x, which was broken in previous releases.

Mandatory Record Key Field

The configuration for setting the record key field, hoodie.datasource.write.recordkey.field, is now required to be set and has no default value. Previously, the default value is uuid.

Migration Guide: Behavior Changes

Schema Handling in Write Path

Many users have requested using Hudi for CDC use cases that they want to have schema auto-evolution where existing columns might be dropped in a new schema. As of 0.13.0 release, Hudi now has this functionality. You can permit schema auto-evolution where existing columns can be dropped in a new schema.

Since dropping columns in the target table based on the source schema constitutes a considerable behavior change, this is disabled by default and is guarded by the following config: To enable automatic dropping of the columns along with new evolved schema of the incoming batch, set this to true.


This config is NOT required to evolve schema manually by using, for example, ALTER TABLE … DROP COLUMN in Spark.

Removal of Default Shuffle Parallelism

This release changes how Hudi decides the shuffle parallelism of write operations including INSERT, BULK_INSERT, UPSERT and DELETE (hoodie.insert|bulkinsert|upsert|delete.shuffle.parallelism), which can ultimately affect the write performance.

Previously, if users did not configure it, Hudi would use 200 as the default shuffle parallelism. From 0.13.0 onwards Hudi by default automatically deduces the shuffle parallelism by either using the number of output RDD partitions as determined by Spark when available or by using the spark.default.parallelism value. If the above Hudi shuffle parallelisms are explicitly configured by the user, then the user-configured parallelism is still used in defining the actual parallelism. Such behavior change improves the out-of-the-box performance by 20% for workloads with reasonably sized input.


If the input data files are small, e.g., smaller than 10MB, we suggest configuring the Hudi shuffle parallelism (hoodie.insert|bulkinsert|upsert|delete.shuffle.parallelism) explicitly, such that the parallelism is at least total_input_data_size/500MB, to avoid potential performance regression (see Tuning Guide for more information).

Simple Write Executor as Default

For the execution of insert/upsert operations, Hudi historically used the notion of an executor, relying on in-memory queue to decouple ingestion operations (that were previously often bound by I/O operations fetching shuffled blocks) from writing operations. Since then, Spark architectures have evolved considerably making such writing architecture redundant. Towards evolving this writing pattern and leveraging the changes in Spark, in 0.13.0 we introduce a new, simplified version of the executor named (creatively) as SimpleExecutor and also make it out-of-the-box default.

The SimpleExecutor does not have any internal buffering (i.e., does not hold records in memory), which internally implements simple iteration over provided iterator (similar to default Spark behavior). It provides ~10% out-of-the-box performance improvement on modern Spark versions (3.x) and even more when used with Spark's native SparkRecordMerger.

NONE Sort Mode for Bulk Insert to Match Parquet Writes

This release adjusts the parallelism for NONE sort mode (default sort mode) for BULK_INSERT write operation. From now on, by default, the input parallelism is used instead of the shuffle parallelism (hoodie.bulkinsert.shuffle.parallelism) for writing data, to match the default parquet write behavior. This does not change the behavior of clustering using the NONE sort mode.

Such behavior change on BULK_INSERT write operation improves the write performance out of the box.


If you still observe small file issues with the default NONE sort mode, we suggest sorting the input data based on the partition path and record key before writing to the Hudi table. You can also use GLOBAL_SORT to ensure the best file size.

Meta Sync Failure in Deltastreamer

In earlier versions, we used a fail-fast approach where syncing to remaining catalogs is not attempted if any catalog sync fails. In 0.13.0, syncing to all configured catalogs is attempted before failing the operation on any catalog sync failure. In the case of sync failure for one catalog, the sync to other catalogs can still succeed, so the user only needs to retry the failed one now.

No Override of Internal Metadata Table Configs

Since misconfiguration could lead to possible data integrity issues, in 0.13.0, we have put in efforts to make the metadata table configuration much simpler for the users. Internally, Hudi determines the best choices for these configurations for optimal performance and stability of the system.

The following metadata-table-related configurations are made internal; you can no longer configure these configs explicitly:


Spark SQL CTAS Performance Fix

Previously, CTAS write operation was incorrectly set to use UPSERT due to misconfiguration. In 0.13.0 release, we fix this to make sure CTAS uses BULK_INSERT operation to boost the write performance of the first batch to a Hudi table (there's no real need to use UPSERT for it, as the table is being created).

Before 0.13.0, we bootstrapped the ckp metadata (checkpoint related metadata) by cleaning all the messages. Some corner cases were not handled correctly. For example:

  • The write task can not fetch the pending instant correctly when restarting a job.

  • If a checkpoint succeeds and the job crashes suddenly, the instant hasn't had time to commit. The data is lost because the last pending instant was rolled back; however, the Flink engine still thinks the checkpoint/instant is successful.

Q: Why did we clean the messages prior to the 0.13.0 release?

A: To prevent inconsistencies between timeline and the messages.

Q: Why are we retaining the messages in the 0.13.0 release?

A: There are two cases for the inconsistency:

  1. The timeline instant is complete but the ckp message is inflight (for committing instant).

  2. The timeline instant is pending while the ckp message does not start (for starting a new instant).

For case 1, there is no need to re-commit the instant, and it is fine if the write task does not get any pending instant when recovering.

For case 2, the instant is basically pending. The instant would be rolled back (as expected). Thus, keeping the ckp messages as is can actually maintain correctness.

Release Highlights


In 0.13.0, we introduce Metaserver, a centralized metadata management service. This is one of the first platform service components we introduce from many more to come. Metaserver helps users to easily manage a large number of tables in a data lake platform.


This is an EXPERIMENTAL feature.

To set up the metaserver in your environment, use hudi-metaserver-server-bundle and run it as a java server application, like java -jar hudi-metaserver-server-bundle-<HUDI_VERSION>.jar. On the client side, add the following options to integrate with the metaserver:

hoodie.metaserver.uris=thrift://<server url>:9090

The Metaserver stores Hudi tables' metadata like table name, database, owner; and the timeline's metadata like commit instants, actions, states, etc. In addition, the Metaserver supports the Spark writer and reader through Hudi Spark bundles.

Change Data Capture

In cases where Hudi tables are used as streaming sources, we want to be aware of all changes for the records that belong to a single commit. For instance, we want to know which records were inserted, deleted and updated. For updated records, the subsequent pipeline may want to get the old values before the update and the new ones after. Prior to 0.13.0, the incremental query does not contain the hard-delete records, and users need to use soft deletes to stream deletes, which may not meet the GDPR requirements.

The Change-Data-Capture (CDC) feature enables Hudi to show how records are changed by producing the changes and therefore to handle CDC query use cases.


CDC is an EXPERIMENTAL feature and is supported to work for COW tables with Spark and Flink engines. MOR tables are not supported by CDC query yet.

To use CDC, users need to enable it first while writing to a table to log extra data, which are returned by CDC incremental queries.

For writing, set hoodie.table.cdc.enabled=true and specify CDC logging mode through hoodie.datasource.query.incremental.format, to control the data being logged. There are 3 modes to choose from:

  • data_before_after: This logs the changed records' operations and the whole record before and after the change. This mode incurs the most CDC data on storage and has the least computing efforts for querying CDC results.

  • data_before: This logs the changed records' operations and the whole record before the change.

  • op_key_only: This only logs the changed records' operations and key. This mode incurs the least CDC data on storage, and requires most computing efforts for querying CDC results.

The default value is data_before_after.

For reading, set:


and other usual incremental query's options like begin and end instant times, and CDC results are returned.


Note that hoodie.table.cdc.enabled is a table configuration. Once it is enabled, it is not allowed to be turned off for that table. Similarly, you cannot change hoodie.table.cdc.supplemental.logging.mode, once it's saved as a table configuration.

Optimizing Record Payload handling

This release introduces the long-awaited support for handling records as their engine-native representations, therefore avoiding the need to convert them to an intermediate one (Avro).


This feature is in an EXPERIMENTAL mode and is currently only supported for Spark.

This was made possible through RFC-46 by introducing a new HoodieRecordMerger abstraction. The HoodieRecordMerger is the core and a source of truth for implementing any merging semantics in Hudi going forward. In this capacity, it replaces the HoodieRecordPayload hierarchy previously used for implementing custom merging semantics. By relying on the unified component in the form of a HoodieRecordMerger allows us to handle records throughout the lifecycle of the write operation in a uniform manner. This substantially reduces latency because the records are now held in the engine-native representation, avoiding unnecessary copying, deserialization and conversion to the intermediate representation (Avro). In our benchmarks, upsert performance improves in the ballpark of 10% against 0.13.0 default state and 20% when compared to 0.12.2.

To try it today, you'd need to specify the configs differently for each Hudi table:

  • For COW, specify hoodie.datasource.write.record.merger.impls=org.apache.hudi.HoodieSparkRecordMerger
  • For MOR, specify hoodie.datasource.write.record.merger.impls=org.apache.hudi.HoodieSparkRecordMerger and

Please note, that the current HoodieSparkRecordMerger implementation only supports merging semantic equivalent to the OverwriteWithLatestAvroPayload class, which is the default HoodieRecordPayload implementation used for merging records currently (set as “hoodie.compaction.payload.class”). Therefore, if you're using any other HoodieRecordPayload implementation, unfortunately, you'd need to wait until it is replaced by the corresponding HoodieRecordMerger implementation.

New Source Support in Deltastreamer

Deltastreamer is a fully-managed incremental ETL utility that supports a wide variety of sources. In this release, we have added three new sources to its repertoire.

Proto Kafka Source

Deltastreamer already supports exactly-once ingestion of new events from Kafka using JSON and Avro formats. ProtoKafkaSource extends this support to Protobuf class-based schemas as well. With just one additional config, one can easily set up this source. Check out the docs for more details.

GCS Incremental Source

Along the lines of S3 events source, we now have a reliable and fast way of ingesting from objects in Google Cloud Storage (GCS) through GcsEventsHoodieIncrSource. Check out the docs on how to set up this source.

Pulsar Source

Apache Pulsar is an open-source, distributed messaging and streaming platform built for the cloud. PulsarSource supports ingesting from Apache Pulsar through the Deltastreamer. Check out the docs on how to set up this source.

Support for Partial Payload Update

Partial update is a frequently asked use case from the community that requires the ability to update only certain fields and not replace the whole record. Previously, we recommended users satisfy this use case by bringing in their own custom record payload implementation. With the popularity of this, in the 0.13.0 release, we added a new record payload implementation, PartialUpdateAvroPayload, to support this out-of-the-box so users can use this implementation instead of having to write their own custom implementation.

Consistent Hashing Index

We introduce the Consistent Hashing Index as yet another indexing option for your writes with Hudi. This is an enhancement to Bucket Index which is added in the 0.11.0 release. With Bucket Index, buckets/file groups per partition are statically allocated, whereas with Consistent Hashing Index, buckets can grow dynamically and so users don't need to sweat about data skews. Buckets will expand and shrink depending on the load factor for each partition. You can find the RFC for the design of this feature.

Here are the configs of interest if you wish to give it a try.

## do split if the bucket size reach 1.5 * max_file_size
## do merge if the bucket size smaller than 0.2 * max_file_size

To enforce shrinking or scaling up of buckets, you need to enable clustering using the following configs

## check resize for every 4 commit
## for supporting concurrent write & resizing

Consistent Hashing Index is still an evolving feature and currently there are some limitations to use it as of 0.13.0:

  • This index is supported only for Spark engine using a MOR table.
  • It does not work with metadata table enabled.
  • To scale up or shrink the buckets, users have to manually trigger clustering using above configs (at some cadence), but they cannot have compaction concurrently running.
  • So, if compaction is enabled with your regular write pipeline, please follow this recommendation: You can choose to trigger the scale/shrink once every 12 hours. In such cases, once every 12 hours, you might need to disable compaction, stop your write pipeline and enable clustering. You should take extreme care to not run both concurrently because it might result in conflicts and a failed pipeline. Once clustering is complete, you can resume your regular write pipeline, which will have compaction enabled. :::

We are working towards automating these and making it easier for users to leverage the Consistent Hashing Index. You can follow the ongoing work on the Consistent Hashing Index here.

Early Conflict Detection for Multi-Writer

Hudi provides Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC) to allow multiple writers to concurrently write and atomically commit to the Hudi table if there is no overlapping data file to be written, to guarantee data consistency, integrity and correctness. Prior to the 0.13.0 release, such conflict detection of overlapping data files is performed before commit metadata and after the data writing is completed. If any conflict is detected in the final stage, it could have wasted compute resources because the data writing is finished already.

To improve the concurrency control, the 0.13.0 release introduces a new feature, early conflict detection in OCC, to detect the conflict during the data writing phase and abort the writing early on once a conflict is detected, using Hudi's marker mechanism. Hudi can now stop a conflicting writer much earlier because of the early conflict detection and release computing resources necessary to cluster, improving resource utilization.

The early conflict detection in OCC is EXPERIMENTAL in 0.13.0 release. :::

By default, this feature is turned off. To try this out, a user needs to set hoodie.write.concurrency.early.conflict.detection.enable to true, when using OCC for concurrency control (see the Concurrency Control page for more details).

Lock-Free Message Queue in Writing Data

In previous versions, Hudi writes incoming data into a table via a bounded in-memory queue using a producer-consumer model. In this release, we added a new type of queue, leveraging Disruptor, which is lock-free. This increases the write throughput when data volume is large. The benchmark writing 100 million records to 1000 partitions in a Hudi table on cloud storage shows 20% performance improvement compared to the existing executor type of bounded in-memory queue.


DisruptorExecutor is supported for Spark insert and Spark bulk insert operations as an EXPERIMENTAL feature

Users can set hoodie.write.executor.type=DISRUPTOR_EXECUTOR to enable this feature. There are other configurations like hoodie.write.wait.strategy and hoodie.write.buffer.size to tune the performance further.

Hudi CLI Bundle

We introduce a new Hudi CLI Bundle, hudi-cli-bundle_2.12, for Spark 3.x to make Hudi CLI easier and more usable. A user can now use this single bundle jar (published to Maven repository) along with Hudi Spark bundle to start the script to launch the Hudi-CLI shell with Spark. This brings ease of deployment for the Hudi-CLI as the user does not need to compile the Hudi CLI module locally, upload jars and address any dependency conflict if there is any, which was the case before this release. Detailed instructions can be found on the Hudi CLI page.

Flink 1.16.x is integrated with Hudi, using profile param -Pflink1.16 when compiling the source code to activate the version. Alternatively, use hudi-flink1.16-bundle. Flink 1.15, Flink 1.14 and Flink 1.13 will continue to be supported. Please check the migration guide for bundle updates.

Json Schema Converter

For DeltaStreamer users who configure schema registry, a JSON schema converter is added to help convert JSON schema into AVRO for the target Hudi table. Set hoodie.deltastreamer.schemaprovider.registry.schemaconverter to org.apache.hudi.utilities.schema.converter.JsonToAvroSchemaConverter to use this feature. Users can also implement this interface org.apache.hudi.utilities.schema.SchemaRegistryProvider.SchemaConverter to provide custom conversion from the original schema to AVRO.

Providing Hudi Configs via Spark SQL Config

Users can now provide Hudi configs via Spark SQL conf, for example, setting

spark.sql("set hoodie.sql.bulk.insert.enable = true")

to make sure Hudi is able to use BULK_INSERT operation when executing INSERT INTO statement.

Known Regressions

We discovered a regression in Hudi 0.13 release related to metadata table and timeline server interplay with streaming ingestion pipelines.

The FileSystemView that Hudi maintains internally could go out of sync due to a occasional race conditions when table services are involved (compaction, clustering) and could result in updates and deletes routed to older file versions and hence resulting in missed updates and deletes.

Here are the user-flows that could potentially be impacted with this.

  • This impacts pipelines using Deltastreamer in continuous mode (sync once is not impacted), Spark streaming, or if you have been directly using write client across batches/commits instead of the standard ways to write to Hudi. In other words, batch writes should not be impacted.
  • Among these write models, this could have an impact only when table services are enabled.
    • COW: clustering enabled (inline or async)
    • MOR: compaction enabled (by default, inline or async)
  • Also, the impact is applicable only when metadata table is enabled, and timeline server is enabled (which are defaults as of 0.13.0)

Based on some production data, we expect this issue might impact roughly < 1% of updates to be missed, since its a race condition and table services are generally scheduled once every N commits. The percentage of update misses could be even less if the frequency of table services is less.

Here is the jira for the issue of interest and the fix has already been landed in master. Next minor release(0.13.1) should have the fix. Until we have a next minor release with the fix, we recommend you to disable metadata table (hoodie.metadata.enable=false) to mitigate the issue.

We also discovered a regression for Flink streaming writer with the hive meta sync which is introduced by HUDI-3730, the refactoring to HiveSyncConfig causes the Hive Resources config objects leaking, which finally leads to an OOM exception for the JobManager if the streaming job runs continuously for weeks. Next minor release(0.13.1) should have the fix. Until we have a 0.13.1 release, we recommend you to cherry-pick the fix to local if hive meta sync is required.

Sorry about the inconvenience caused.

Raw Release Notes

The raw release notes are available here.