管理 Hudi Pipelines
Admin CLI
一旦 构建了hudi,就可以通过cd hudi-cli && ./hudi-cli.sh
18/09/06 15:56:52 INFO annotation.AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor: JSR-330 'javax.inject.Inject' annotation found and supported for autowiring
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Welcome to Hoodie CLI. Please type help if you are looking for help.
hudi->create --path /user/hive/warehouse/table1 --tableName hoodie_table_1 --tableType COPY_ON_WRITE
18/09/06 15:57:15 INFO table.HoodieTableMetaClient: Finished Loading Table of type COPY_ON_WRITE from ...
18/09/06 15:57:19 INFO timeline.HoodieActiveTimeline: Loaded instants []
| Property | Value |
| basePath | ... |
| metaPath | ... |
| fileSystem | hdfs |
| hoodie.table.name | hoodie_table_1 |
| hoodie.table.type | COPY_ON_WRITE |
| hoodie.archivelog.folder| |
以下是连接到包含uber trips的Hudi数据集的示例命令。
hoodie:trips->connect --path /app/uber/trips
16/10/05 23:20:37 INFO model.HoodieTableMetadata: Attempting to load the commits under /app/uber/trips/.hoodie with suffix .commit
16/10/05 23:20:37 INFO model.HoodieTableMetadata: Attempting to load the commits under /app/uber/trips/.hoodie with suffix .inflight
16/10/05 23:20:37 INFO model.HoodieTableMetadata: All commits :HoodieCommits{commitList=[20161002045850, 20161002052915, 20161002055918, 20161002065317, 20161002075932, 20161002082904, 20161002085949, 20161002092936, 20161002105903, 20161002112938, 20161002123005, 20161002133002, 20161002155940, 20161002165924, 20161002172907, 20161002175905, 20161002190016, 20161002192954, 20161002195925, 20161002205935, 20161002215928, 20161002222938, 20161002225915, 20161002232906, 20161003003028, 20161003005958, 20161003012936, 20161003022924, 20161003025859, 20161003032854, 20161003042930, 20161003052911, 20161003055907, 20161003062946, 20161003065927, 20161003075924, 20161003082926, 20161003085925, 20161003092909, 20161003100010, 20161003102913, 20161003105850, 20161003112910, 20161003115851, 20161003122929, 20161003132931, 20161003142952, 20161003145856, 20161003152953, 20161003155912, 20161003162922, 20161003165852, 20161003172923, 20161003175923, 20161003195931, 20161003210118, 20161003212919, 20161003215928, 20161003223000, 20161003225858, 20161004003042, 20161004011345, 20161004015235, 20161004022234, 20161004063001, 20161004072402, 20161004074436, 20161004080224, 20161004082928, 20161004085857, 20161004105922, 20161004122927, 20161004142929, 20161004163026, 20161004175925, 20161004194411, 20161004203202, 20161004211210, 20161004214115, 20161004220437, 20161004223020, 20161004225321, 20161004231431, 20161004233643, 20161005010227, 20161005015927, 20161005022911, 20161005032958, 20161005035939, 20161005052904, 20161005070028, 20161005074429, 20161005081318, 20161005083455, 20161005085921, 20161005092901, 20161005095936, 20161005120158, 20161005123418, 20161005125911, 20161005133107, 20161005155908, 20161005163517, 20161005165855, 20161005180127, 20161005184226, 20161005191051, 20161005193234, 20161005203112, 20161005205920, 20161005212949, 20161005223034, 20161005225920]}
Metadata for table trips loaded
* ! - Allows execution of operating system (OS) commands
* // - Inline comment markers (start of line only)
* ; - Inline comment markers (start of line only)
* addpartitionmeta - Add partition metadata to a dataset, if not present
* clear - Clears the console
* cls - Clears the console
* commit rollback - Rollback a commit
* commits compare - Compare commits with another Hoodie dataset
* commit showfiles - Show file level details of a commit
* commit showpartitions - Show partition level details of a commit
* commits refresh - Refresh the commits
* commits show - Show the commits
* commits sync - Compare commits with another Hoodie dataset
* connect - Connect to a hoodie dataset
* date - Displays the local date and time
* exit - Exits the shell
* help - List all commands usage
* quit - Exits the shell
* records deduplicate - De-duplicate a partition path contains duplicates & produce repaired files to replace with
* script - Parses the specified resource file and executes its commands
* stats filesizes - File Sizes. Display summary stats on sizes of files
* stats wa - Write Amplification. Ratio of how many records were upserted to how many records were actually written
* sync validate - Validate the sync by counting the number of records
* system properties - Shows the shell's properties
* utils loadClass - Load a class
* version - Displays shell version